
Venetians and Greeks - The 16th Century previous 5/5 next

The sixteenth to the seventeenth centuries:
a difficult recovery


After a period of crisis between the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, the war years of Candia clearly marked a considerable economic and productive revival in the Arsenale . Laws and measures revealed a new interest in authority indicative of an attempt to rationalise and centralise operations. In 1641, for example, there was a project to produce an organised set of the laws of the Arsenale, which had been thrown together confusedly over several centuries. There was also an attempt underway to enforce the political dictates of Doge  Nicolò da Ponte, making it obligatory for the Doge and his Collegio  to pay a quarterly visit to the shipyards. This diligence and attention do not, however, seem to have been carried over to the technical side at a European level. No innovations seem to have appeared until 1670, and instead there was a decided tendency to rely on late sixteenth-century tradition.

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Rotta: Venezia e il Levante (sec XV - sec XVIII)
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