
The Defense of Corfù previous_inactive 1/1 next

Venice and the Levant: from the peace of Karlowitz to the siege of Corfù (1699-1716)

When the allies of the Serenissima  concluded the war of Morea  with the treaty of Karlowitz  (1699), Venice entered a peaceful period which was to last fifteen years. A bitter war was being waged in Europe regarding Spanish succession, in which Austria was the leading figure. The Turks, who had achieved victory over Russia in the Black Sea, perceived Austria's debilitated state, and confident of taking Venice without the support of its allies, they led a decisive attack on Morea and reconquered it in 1714, encountering very mild resistance from the commanders of the Venetian forces. The Turks thus shifted their attention to Corfù  and the Christian fleets, especially the Portuguese and pontifical contingents, came to the aid of the Serenissima.

The Emperor of Austria also intervened, and Corfù was saved thanks to his victory against the Ottoman forces in Hungary in 1716. The Venetians then resumed their sea operations, and strengthened Corfù with the decisive gesture of the General Captain von Schulemburg, but were forced by Austria to a peace that they found dishonourable - and almost offensive after the courage they had demonstrated in the course of the conflict. The treaty actually sanctioned the permanent loss of Morea.

Viaggio virtuale tra le fonti storiche veneziane
Rotta: Venezia e il Levante (sec XV - sec XVIII)
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