
War and Peace - The Defense of Corfù previous 2/4 next

Corfù in Venetian Mediterranean politics II


After the end of the war with Candia and the final loss of the island, Corfù  served not only as an important strategic and commercial junction, but came to stand for a symbolic continuity in the maritime power of the Serenissima . The period stretching from the second half of the seventeenth century to the 1720s was marked by an attempt at a radical reformation of the defensive structure of the island. Filippo Verneda was the first to embark upon this project soon after the war for Candia. His studies and projects would be taken up - at the conclusion of the final conflict between Venetians and Ottomans - by Marshall Johann Maria von Schulemburg, General Captain  of the Venetian militia .

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Viaggio virtuale tra le fonti storiche veneziane
Rotta: Venezia e il Levante (sec XV - sec XVIII)
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